December 22, 2009

My upcoming to anyone interested!

Beginning Jan. 31st I'll be teaching two courses at Good Shepherd's Passage School of Theology. Passage is GS's way of bringing the highest level of Biblical, Theological and Ministry education to those outside of a seminary setting (and it's one of my favorite things about GS as a whole!).

The course I'm teaching along with their descriptions are:

Biblical Studies 202 - Invitation to the Old Testament (aka. The Hebrew Bible)

12 week course, Sunday mornings at 11:30am

The Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament as it is commonly referred to by Christians, makes up 77% of God’s written word. Yet for many Christians it remains largely unknown and/or unread. The Hebrew Bible is often-confusing to the modern Christian reader…but it doesn’t have to be. This course is designed to give students a walk-through of the Hebrew Bible, enabling them to gain a big-picture understanding of what God was doing through Israel and how that is crucial for any understanding of what He goes on to do in the New Testament through Jesus and the Church. Students will explore the main sections of the Hebrew Bible, as well as the various genres, motifs, images, and stories found in its pages. The goal of the course is to ground the Christian in a thoroughly Biblical understanding of the Hebrew Bible so that they can then more fully understand and appreciate the message of the Gospel.
Expected Cost: $1o-15


Biblical Studies 204 - “Apocalypse Now??”

: 10 week course, Wednesday evenings 6:30pm

Description: War in the Middle-East! One-world Government! Tsunamis! Earthquakes! Are we living in the “Last Days”? Is Armageddon right around the corner? What does the Bible teach about all this? Is the Apocalypse at hand?? Questions like these concern what theologians call “eschatology”, that is, study of the end-times. In this course James-Michael Smith will lead participants through a survey of various ways Christians have looked at the end times and the relevant Biblical passages. Challenging popular misconceptions put forth by the media (both Christian and secular), “Apocalypse Now??” will equip the reader of Scripture to understand and interpret the Bible’s teaching on eschatology in a thoughtful and reflective manner and read Scripture on its own terms rather than through the lens of modern imagination. Regardless of one’s end-time views, this course will challenge as well as edify the believer in their walk with the God who controls all human history!
Expected Cost: $15-20


These courses are open to anyone (but preference may be given to those who have completed BS 101 - Bible for the Rest of Us...which, for those who have not taken it yet, is also being offered this semester!).

To register or for more information, contact Good Shepherd's Connections & Communications Pastor, Rebecca Grayson.

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