June 30, 2009

Will we be married in Heaven?

Will we be married in Heaven?

Answering a question on Heaven, marriage and the Bible submitted by a reader of the Methodist Examiner

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June 29, 2009

Depression and Christian faith

Depression and Christian faith

There are a lot of misconceptions and false notions floating around among Christians when it comes to Depression. As someone who suffers with it, I know firsthand the importance of getting the facts straight and getting proper treatment. I wrote this a while back to help other Christians facing this mental health nightmare. Please share it with anyone who may need encouragement or help in their struggle with Depression!

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June 15, 2009

Atheist vs. Christian - JM's response to Hugh's critique

Atheist vs. Christian - JM's response to Hugh's critique

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If worship were a sporting event...

From my Examiner article...

I came across this video from bluefishtv.com through my good friend Mike Satterfield via his Facebook.

The more familiar you are with the goings-on within the average Evangelical contemporary worship service, the funnier it is.

This is dedicated to my fellow ministers and church workers...

If we can't laugh at ourselves there's something seriously wrong with us. I for one thought this was great...almost as good as South Park's depiction of the Christian Rock scene!


June 8, 2009

Theological throwdown, Examiner style!!

Hugh and I hashing out our differences in the religion & spirituality octagon...
Everyone loves a good East Coast/West Coast showdown...and everyone loves a good Christian/Atheist debate...so what would happen if we combined the two?? A really great series of articles, that's what!

I want to let everyone in the Dojo know about a really exciting feature that I'm going to be involved in: A series of dialogues/debates with a fellow examiner on issues of faith and religion!

Hugh Kramer is the LA Atheist examiner who's not afraid to speak his mind on issues of religion, God--or lack thereof--and culture. He's also a really nice guy with a great sense of humor and a friendly disposition. I've read many of his articles and commented occasionally on his insight and reasoned responses.

After talking with him via email, we've decided that it would be great to do a series of dialogues/debates on various hot-button topics or questions where we can honestly, passionately and straightforwardly challenge one another...without it devolving into name-calling and empty sound-byte rhetoric.

I love dialoging and debating with those who disagree with me and always have fun, many times even developing deep friendships with my "opponent"; so I'm really excited about this opportunity with Hugh. So everyone, take some time to browse Hugh's articles in order to get a feel for where he's coming from. (And feel free to leave good comments on them when you read!) Then, get ready for some great discussions!

As for format, he and I will correspond via email and then once we've settled on a topic, we'll both post our exchange, along with our own final thoughts, in our respective articles (so you'll want to read BOTH posts to get the full picture!).

Hopefully this will generate excellent conversation, deeper thinking, profound questions, and a spirit of civil debate among friends who differ significantly in worldviews. So, stay tuned over the next couple of weeks...and if you have suggested topics, share them with us and we may end up using them in our articles!

Blessings (or as Hugh would say, "Reasoned Greetings"!),

National (!) Methodist Examiner

June 7, 2009

How NOT to have interfaith dialogue

Ever wondered if street preachers could take a solid right cross from angry Muslim women? Well, wonder no more...

Charlotte Methodist Examiner: How NOT to have interfaith dialogue


June 2, 2009

Finding a good Bible

Those of you who've taken a Passage class probably know some of this... :)

Finding a good Bible

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JM's Audio Teaching Archive

Check out sermon.net/jmsmith for some of my messages and teaching sessions:

Bruce Lee quote of the day...